Acupuncture, the origins of which go back thousands of years, is a primary healthcare system that works holistically to maintain or restore balance, harmony and order in our bodies. Chinese Medicine philosophy is based on the Yin/Yang principle of balancing and harmonising conditions within the body. Balanced and free-flowing Qi (energy) results in health, while stagnant or imbalanced Qi leads to disease. It is, therefore, important that we humans, follow the universal laws of nature to achieve total harmony and health.
Acupuncture in New Zealand has been recently accepted as a respected and widely used healing modality and the aim of the Bachelor of Health Science (Acupuncture) Degree is to enable students to become highly skilled practitioners of traditional Acupuncture with the highest professional standards. NZCCM combines ancient fundamentals and traditional practices with recent refinements in authentic Chinese Medicine and adapts these to Western Medical Models using modern teaching methodologies.