
Certificate in Animal Technology - Veterinary Nursing Assistant


Education systems in some countries might use a level system divided into 10 levels. High levels imply more complex learning. 

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New Zealand Certificate

Most education systems cover a wide range of qualifications from certificates to PhD.

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Duration 12 Months
Credits 120
Study area Veterinary
English level requirement IELTS 6.0
Country New Zealand


Price international

Please note: amounts shown are indicative and estimates only.


Programme overview

This programme is for those with previous animal handling experience who wish to work in a veterinary-related field or in a veterinary clinic. Students will develop skills in the care, management, handling, and nursing of a range of companion animals. This programme is the first year of a two-year veterinary nursing programme.

Students will gain 240 hours of work experience made up of rotations through Wintec's teaching surgery, in veterinary clinics, and in animal health related businesses and charities. ​​​Students will get daily opportunities to care and handle companion animals in Wintec's purpose-built facility that houses commonly kept companion animals. They will also gain exposure to the on-site vet clinic while studying.

Successful completion of this programme is required to advance to the New Zealand Diploma in Veterinary Nursing level 6 to become a veterinary nurse.

Course Content
Entry requirements

Career opportunities